Join Rochester Makers Market

RochMarket Update

The opening of the Threshold Arts downtown storefront in was a success!  You can join at  This project created new exposure for local Makers and growth for Threshold Arts.

We are now moving to “free sharing”, to share you with the people!  The Makers Market is a place for customers to find local makers, craftsmen, artists & people for hire.

Apply to Join

We are adding craftsmen, makers, artists, people for hire to the site to be found and promoted.
Plus your projects, collaborations, & events.

You need to:
1. Fill out this form.
2. Keep us informed about your projects, collaborations & events, so we can share.
3. Follow & tag @rochmarket so we can re-share.

This is for people invested in their business, with the intention to sell and grow.  Please choose your words carefully; use the keywords that your customers would use to find you.

This free to you. Enjoy.
[email protected]